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CLIMADEMIC Summer School 2024 – How climate change can drive the emergence of future pandemics

Monday, 22. July 2024
08:30Opening | Welcome | Get to know each other | Summer School programme overview
10:00Coffee Break
10:30Introduction to Earth System Modelling and Machine Learning
Maximilian Gelbrecht (Technical University of Munich / Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
12:00Lunch Break
13:00Machine Learning applied to Climate data
Étienne Plésiat (German Climate Computing Center)
14:30Coffee Break
15:00Climate extremes
Leonard Borchert (University of Hamburg)
16:30End Day 1
Tuesday, 23. July 2024
8:30Tipping points in the climate system
Nico Wunderling (Center for Critical Computational Studies / Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
10:00Coffee Break
10:30Climate impacts on society and health: Flooding
Nivedita Sairam (Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences)
12:00Lunch Break
13:00Climate impacts on society and health: Heat
Nikolaos Nikolaou (Helmholtz Munich) / Junyu Wang (Robert Koch Institute)
14:30Coffee Break

Tour 1: Introduction to the history of epidemiology and the complexity of world-wide pandemics

  • RKI Museum
  • WHO Hub (TBC)
Wednesday, 24. July 2024
08:30Principles of infectious diseases and epidemiology
Andreas Gilsdorf (Robert Koch Institute)
10:00Coffee Break
10:30Epidemiology of vector-borne diseases: TBE
Teresa Nygren (Robert Koch Institute)
12:00Lunch Break
13:00Epidemiology of zoonotic and tropical diseases: Malaria
Silvia Portugal (Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology)
14:30Coffee Break
15:00Surveillance and control of vaccine-preventable diseases
Ole Wichmann (Robert Koch Institute)
16:30Mathematical models of infectious disease spreads
SebaContreras (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization)
18:00End Day 3
Thursday, 25. July 2024
08:30Example of modelling climate driven impact of vector-borne diseases
Kamil Erguler (The Cyprus Institute) / Stephanie Margarete Thomas (University of Bayreuth)
10:00Coffee Break
10:30Example of modelling climate driven impact of water-related diseases
Thorsten Wagener (University of Potsdam)
12:00Lunch Break
13:00Climate and society-driven vaccination strategies
Katy Gaythorpe (Imperial College London)
14:30Coffee Break
15:00Tour 2: Introduction to the culture of the host country (e.g. City Tour Potsdam)
18:00End Day 4
Friday, 26. July 2024
08:30AI and sustainability
Ralf Herbrich (Hasso-Plattner-Institute)
10:00Coffee Break
10:30Efficient AI for Weather Forecasting and Low-Bit Quantization
Haojin Yang (Hasso-Plattner-Institute)
12:00Lunch Break
13:00Machine Learning and Data Assimilation
Sebastian Reich (University of Potsdam)
14:30Coffee Break
15:00Summary | Feedback
16:30End Day 5

Further information

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