Epidemio­lo­gisches Bulletin

The Epidemiologisches Bulletin is an online journal published by the Robert Koch Institute for the exchange of information between physicians, the public health service, medical associations, national reference centres/consultant laboratories, research and teaching institutions and other experts.

The Epidemiologisches Bulletin contains situation reports on important infectious diseases, reports from commissions such as the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) and the Commission for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention (KRINKO), statistics on notifiable infectious diseases, outbreak and case reports, editorials and other articles, for example on questions of hygiene or the spread of multi-resistant pathogens.

The articles are published in German; short summaries are available in English.

Current issue

Epidemiologisches Bulletin 06/2025

Publication , 06/02/2025

( PDF, 3MB, File does not meet accessibility standards )

HPV-related cancer in men - an underestimated risk

On the occasion of this year's World Cancer Day, the Epidemiologisches Bulletin 6/2025 has published an article about cancer in men that is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV): The connection between HPV infection and oropharyngeal or anogenital cancers area has been clearly proven. (Article in German)

Archive : Abstracts in English

All issues of Epidemiologisches Bulletin