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ERIM: Emergency support for primary care clinicians

Developing need-based information materials

ERIM: Supporting information materials to manage unusual biological incidents. Source: © adam121 / stock.adobe.comERIM: Supporting information materials to manage unusual biological incidents Source: adam121 /


The aim of the study is to devise supporting information materials, which provide primary care clinicians with specific and evidence-based advice regarding unusual biological incidents. They will serve as templates for new material to be developed in the future as required.

Up-to-date, timely, practice-oriented and user-friendly information is crucial for the successful management of unusual biological incidents caused by special pathogens. To be able to respond quickly, relevant information materials should be developed and tested in preparation to meet the high demand for information in case of an incident.

Different actors, such primary care clinicians, clinical staff and health authorities, have varied information needs and preferences in crisis situations. In the course of the project, information materials tailored specifically to primary care clinicians will be develop to supplement existing, comprehensive reference documents (e.g. RKI Ebola framework concept).


  1. Analysis of information needs and communication preferences:
    To identify potential need for support concerning preparedness for and response to unusual biological incidents and communication preference of the information target audience, a systematic literature review and qualitative study (interviews, focus groups) will be conducted.
  2. Content specification and material development:
    Relevant topics (e.g. self-protection and initial measures), information channels (e.g. print, online, trainings) and tools (e.g. PDF leaflet, Smartphone-APP, Web seminar) will be specified based on the analysis to design tailored information materials.
  3. Evaluation of new information materials:
    New materials will be evaluated using rigorous scientific approaches, especially experimental testing.


Federal Ministry of Health

Cooperation partners:

The RKI led study is carried out in collaboration with the following partners:

The Charité supports the first study phase, helping to recruit participants, while the University of Erfurt will carry out the evaluation of the new information materials.


Dr. Annegret Schneider

Date: 24.06.2019