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The presidents of the Robert Koch Institute at a glance

Robert Koch-Institut, 1900. Quelle: © RKI

4 Oct 2023
Prof. Dr. Lars Schaade
2015 – 2023Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Lothar H. Wieler
2010 – 2015Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reinhard Burger
2008 – 2010Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Jörg Hacker
1996 – 2008Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reinhard Kurth
1990 – 1996Prof. Dr. Hans Kröger, Dr. Joachim Welz, Prof. Dr. Hans Hoffmeister (acting head)
1985 – 1990Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Weise
1970 – 1984Prof. Dr. Hansjürgen Raettig, Dr. Karl-Ernst Gillert, Prof. Dr. Hans Kröger, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Weise (co-operative lead)
1952 – 1969Prof. Dr. Georg Henneberg
1949 – 1952Prof. Dr. Dr. Bruno Harms
1945 – 1949Prof. Dr. Otto Lentz
1935 – 1945Prof. Dr. Eugen Gildemeister
1934 – 1935Prof. Dr. Richard Otto
1933 – 1934Friedrich Karl Kleine
1915 – 1933Prof. Dr. Fred Neufeld
1913 – 1915Prof. Dr. Friedrich Loeffler
1904 – 1913Prof. Dr. Georg Gaffky
1891 – 1904Prof. Dr. Robert Koch

Date: 04.10.2023