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People carry out hand disinfection during a hygiene training. Source: Robert Koch Institute

Global Health Protection Programme of the Federal Ministry of Health

Since the first adoption of its Global Health Strategy in 2013, Germany has been increasingly committed to strengthening health systems worldwide. In order to improve public health structures and, in particular, to prevent and jointly manage health crises such as Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa 2014-2016 or COVID-19, the German Federal Ministry of Health launched its Global Health Protection Programme (GHPP) in 2016. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) plays a central role in the implementation of this programme. The German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM), the German Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines (PEI), the German Federal Research Institute for Animal Health (FLI), the Research Center Borstel (FZB) and the German Central Committee Against Tuberculosis (DZK) are also implementing GHPP projects.

During the first phase from 2016 until 2022, the programme focussed on three topics:

- Joint management of disease outbreaks
- Strengthening international health actors such as WHO
- Preventing health emergencies through better implementation of the International Health Regulations and countering hospital-acquired infections.

Since 2021, the German Federal Ministry of Health has been funding additional projects through "GHPP – Corona Global" to strengthen operational capacity and address knowledge gaps related to COVID-19.

During the second programme phase (2023-2025), activities will focus on strengthening national, regional and global public health systems. In addition to further partnership-based capacity building for outbreak management, we will also address surveillance, laboratory diagnostics and infection prevention and control, issues of animal-human-environmental health (One Health) and digital approaches to outbreak prevention. The RKI implements 25 projects in the second programme phase, coordinated internally again by the Centre for International Health Protection (ZIG).

Current RKI projects in the GHPP

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ZIG 2, ZIG 4, ZBS 2, ZIG RKI WHO HUB Office and Madagascan colleagues from Ministry of Health, INSPC, LA2M. Source: RKI Assessing and Building Capacities: Madagascar Public Health System (ABCM). Source: GHPP

Date: 27.02.2024