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Abstract zur Publikation: Identification and expression of human cytomegalovirus transcription units coding for two distinct Fcgamma-receptor homologs

Atalay R, Zimmermann A, Wagner M, Borst E, Benz C, Messerle M, Hengel H (2002): Identification and expression of human cytomegalovirus transcription units coding for two distinct Fcgamma-receptor homologs
J. Virol. 76: 8596-8608.

Cellular receptors for the Fc domain of immunoglobulin G (IgG) (FcgammaRs) comprise a family of surface receptors on immune cells connecting humoral and cellular immune responses. Several herpesviruses induce FcgammaR activities in infected cells. Here we identify two distinct human cytomegalovirus (HCMV)-encoded vFcgammaR glycoproteins of 34 and 68 kDa. A panel of HCMV strains exhibited a slight molecular microheterogeneity between Fcgamma-binding proteins, suggesting their viral origin. To locate the responsible genes within the HCMV genome, a large set of targeted HCMV deletion mutants was constructed. The mutant analysis allowed the identification of a spliced UL119-UL118 mRNA to encode vFcgammaR gp68 and TRL11/IRL11 to encode vFcgammaR gp34. Both vFcgammaRs are surface resident type I transmembrane glycoproteins. Significant relatedness of sequences in the extracellular chain of gpUL119-118 and gpTRL11 with particular immunoglobulin supergene family domains present in FcgammaR I and FcgammaRs II/III, respectively, indicates a different ancestry and function of gpUL119-118 and gpTRL11. The HCMV-encoded vFcgammaRs highlight an impressive diversification and redundancy of FcgammaR structures.







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