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International offering for the management of biological threats

Overview of international measures and projects for continuing education in connection with biological threats.

Diagnostics of ricin from aqueous solutions (international ring test)Content: Quality assurance measures – qualitative and quantitative detection of ricin including comparison of methods
for: Expert laboratories from GHSAG member countries as well as OPCW designed laboratories
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Electron microscopy pathogen diagnostics (basic course)Content: Laboratory course to learn the fundamentals for electron microscopy pathogen diagnostics (negative staining technique)
for: Technical staff (technical assistants, laboratory assistants), medical practitioners, biologists
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EFFO (Efficiency by Edification)

EFFO is a training programme for healthcare facilities that need to detect and care for suspected cases of Ebola or other HCID (HCID = High Consequence Infectious Diseases) until relocation to a treatment centre is possible.
for: Skills and knowledge for medical perso­nnel will be prac­ticed with EFFO.

The project is prima­rily aimed at coun­tries con­sidered as high risk countries by the World Health Organization (WHO) in terms of Ebola importation.

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EMERGE - Efficient response to highly dangerous and emerging pathogens at EU levelContent: The Joint Action EMERGE comprises a European network with about 40 diagnostic laboratories focused on risk group 3 bacteria and risk groups 3 and 4 viruses.
EMERGE aims to provide a common, coordinated and effective response to infectious disease outbreaks at EU level and abroad.
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ENIVD (European Network for Diagnostics of "Imported" Viral Diseases)– Diagnostics of viral diseases Content: International ring tests, seminars etc within the framework of ENIVD
for: Partners and members of the co-operation
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EQA-EMV (External Quality Assurance Scheme in Electron Microscopy Virus Diagnostics) - Ring test electron microscopic virus diagnostics Content: Sending of inactivated and blinded virus suspensions for diagnostics by electron microscopy, implementation once a year
for: All microscopy experts who wish to train their skills in EM virus diagnostics
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Molecular diagnostics of smallpox viruses (seminar)Content: Laboratory course for the diagnosis of smallpox viruses
for: Laboratory and diagnostically interested institutions
e-mail ZBS1

Date: 01.06.2021