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WHO Collaborating Centre for the Global Outbreak Alert and Response – GOARN

On 15 March 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated the Information Centre for International Health Protection (INIG/ZIG 1) at the Robert Koch Institute as the first WHO Collaborating Centre for Global Outbreak Alert and Response – GOARN (WHO CC GOARN).

The Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) is a global technical partnership, established by WHO as a key mechanism for rapid identification, confirmation and response to public health emergencies of international importance. GOARN comprises over 270 technical institutions and networks across the globe. As a WHO Collaborating Centre for Global Outbreak Alert and Response – GOARN, ZIG 1 will contribute to WHO’s effort to improve the detection of public health events; and to support preparedness and readiness, as well capacities for alerts and rapid responses.

The main areas of work of WHO CC GOARN at RKI:

  • Support WHO in the further development of GOARN, by providing technical assistance for developing evidence-based technical and operational guidance.
  • Support WHO in the development and implementation of the GOARN training programme on international outbreak alert and response.
  • Support WHO’s activities in the context of GOARN through knowledge exchange and dissemination of information.
  • Support WHO’s work in GOARN projects, including Go-Data and the Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources (EIOS) initiative.

Activities in the WHO CC GOARN at RKI align with the priorities of Global Health Strategy of the German Federal Government and will contribute to the effective implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030).

Head of the WHO CC GOARN

Dr. Andreas Jansen, Head of the Information Centre for International Health Protection (INIG)

Dr. Basel Karo, MPH, PhD, Information Centre for International Health Protection (INIG)

Date: 03.04.2023