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Recent developments and project activities

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Publication of PALS Training Handbooks

Trainer Handbook, Change Agent Training Book and PALS Booklet for Hospital Management. Photo: NiCaDeThe Participatory Approach to Learning in Systems (PALS) is an innovative approach that is applied in Nigerian healthcare settings to improve infection prevention and control (IPC) practices by mobilising, enabling and empowering healthcare workers at the facility level to become Change Agents. The approach recognises IPC improvement not only as a clinical matter that requires biomedical IPC knowledge, but also as a com­plex social practice of quality development. PALS acknowledges the local conditions and situation of a health facility and its personnel as the starting point of tailored IPC improvement processes of the organisation as a physical as well as a cultural system.


Building on local knowledge and community action within mid-term workshop of One Health project

COPE team representatives on their first day of the workshop week at RKI. Photo: NCDCThe project operates on the principle that communities themselves are best equipped to identify and address their own health-related concerns. A mid-term workshop in Berlin provided a platform to assess the project’s progress and to plan next steps.


Gateway for evacuations from Ukraine – a visit to the EU-MEDEVAC Hub in Poland

Patient transport to the airportSince September 2022, the “MEDEVAC Hub Jasionka”, run by Polish relief organisation Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM), has been supporting medical evacuations from Ukraine. Located in Rzeszów, about 80 km from the Polish-Ukrainian border, the medical facility provides a stopover for the sick and injured arriving by ambulance from Lviv on the other side of the border. From the strategically important Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport, patients are then transferred to countries throughout Europe to receive further urgently needed medical care. Two representatives of the German National Focal Point for Emergency Medical Teams (EMT NFP), based at the Centre for International Health Protection (ZIG) at the Robert Koch Institute, had the opportunity to visit the facility from 26-28 August 2024. They were able to gain valuable insights from PCPM's expertise and engaged in discussions on medical and logistical challenges related to the evacuation process. In addition, potential collaborations between PCPM and German EMTs have been addressed during the visit.


RKI running second face-to-face workshop in applied public health research in Namibia

Participants during the second in-person workshop in Applied Public Health Research from 10 June to 14 June 2024 in Namibia. Photo: Jayson TumbaliThe CARe project (Capacity Building in Applied Public Health Research in GHPP partner countries) has continued its training program on applied public health research methods with a second face-to-face workshop seven months after the initial workshop in Namibia. The workshop took place from June 10 to June 14, 2024 in Windhoek, Namibia.


ZIG again supports Joint German EMT Exercise

Initial treatment of a patient by the humedica team. Source: Alois Pommer, ASBÖJoint training for joint deployments - under this theme, the second joint exercise of the German Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) took place in the Ahr Valley from 29 May to 2 June. The EMTs from Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB), CADUS e.V., humedica and Johanniter trained for humanitarian deployments, supported by staff from RKI’s Centre for International Health Protection (ZIG) and other partner organisations. The scenario: many dead and injured due to an earthquake in the fictitious state of "Rhinepfals". The healthcare system is overwhelmed and the country requests support from the World Health Organization (WHO) via the WHO EMT Initiative. Several EMTs travel in to provide medical assistance to the affected population. An EMT Coordination Cell is installed in the country for effective coordination of the support. When the first cases of cholera occur, a mobile laboratory and an IPC-Team (Infection Prevention and Control) are also mobilised.


GOARN Capacity Strengthening and Training Programme: ZIG hosting the first flagship course of GOARN Outbreak Response Leadership Capacity Strengthening

GOARN Outbreak Response Leadership Training in Berlin, September 2023. Source: RKIOn 18 -22 September, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) hosted the first “GOARN Outbreak Response Leadership Training Programme” of the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) in Berlin, in collaboration with GOARN Secretariat and the Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP). A total of 24 public health experts from a multidisciplinary array of GOARN partner institutions across WHO’s six regions – all of whom are highly experienced outbreak responders – participated in this flagship program.


“Health Security Partnership in Africa” advocates for better surveillance

Meeting of the HSPA project stakeholders in Brazzaville, capital of the Republic of the Congo, in February 2024. Photo: WHO AFROAs part of a 14-month project, the RKI is participating in an initiative that advocates an integrated approach to the early detection of potential disease outbreaks in Africa. The Centre for International Health Protection supports Morocco, Namibia, South Africa and Tunisia in the areas of “Epidemic Intelligence” and “Genomic Surveillance”.


International Advisory Board of ZIG discusses developments in global health

Representatives of RKI’s Centre for International Health Protection and of its international Scientific Advisory Board in front of the RKI main building in April 2024. Photo: RKIThe Scientific Advisory Board of RKI’s Centre for International Health Protection met in Berlin in April 2024. The board is chaired by the Belgian microbiologist Peter Piot who is known as the co-discoverer of the Ebola virus, founding director of UNAIDS and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations.


RKI and WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence review joint workplan

Meeting of the Steering Committee between RKI and WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence on 10 April 2024. Photo: RKIOn 10 April 2024, the Robert Koch Institute hosted the second Steering Committee meeting of the ongoing partnership with the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence in Berlin. The primary objective of this meeting was to review and discuss the progress across the four projects under the partnership.


WHO and RKI empower integrated genomic surveillance in Côte d’Ivoire

Discussing steps necessary for integrating genomic data into the current surveillance system in Côte d’Ivoire. Photo: RKIFunded by the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence in Berlin, the project “Strengthen Integrated Genomic Surveillance through Greater Capacities in Nati­onal Public Health Institutes” is set to improve public health decision-making on both national and international levels. In February 2024, researchers from the Centre for International Health Protection at the RKI joined forces with the Ivorian National Institute for Public Hygiene to gather representatives from Ivorian and international research institutions and stakeholders across the human, ani­mal, and One Health sectors in Côte d’Ivoire.


One health project carries out community entry in Nigeria

Project members distribute flyers with study information to community members. Photo: NCDCIn early December 2023, the in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary consor­tium met in Nigeria for the im­ple­men­ta­tion of the first project milestone: the entry into a local community. The community was introduced to the project through printed fliers accompanied by verbal explanations by team members at the local markets as key locations of the community.


Anthropologists investigate social logics of infection itineraries in healthcare facilities

Point-of-view shot taken by an anthropologist during ethnographic fieldwork in a delivery room at a partner hospital in Côte d’Ivoire. Photo: RKIThe an­thro­po­lo­gy team at RKI’s Centre for In­ter­na­tio­nal Health Pro­tec­tion conducts research on infection prevention and control in several projects of the Global Health Protection Programme. A member of ZIG’s an­thro­po­lo­gy team spent three months in Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire for ethnographic fieldwork in partner hospitals in autumn 2023, where he studied social settings and medical procedures before, during and after caesarean sections amongst other things.


Meeting in support of Ugandan roadmap towards a national Emergency Medical Team

Personal exchange at the warehouse of the German relief organisation Malteser International. Photo: RKIFrom 28 to 30 No­vem­ber 2023, re­pre­sen­ta­tives of the Ger­man re­lief or­ga­ni­sa­tion Mal­te­ser International and the Ugandan Ministry of Health met for a work­shop in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The aim of the meeting was to jointly create an activity plan in support of the development of a national Emergency Medical Team by the Ugandan Ministry of Health.


Namibian delegation attends World Health Summit and meets with partners in Berlin

Namibian delegation and representatives from the Namibian Embassy to Germany meet RKI president Prof Lars Schaade. Photo: RKIThe Namibian Ministry of Health and Social Services and RKI have maintained a close and trusting cooperation since the successful start of the Namibia-RKI Twinning Project in 2020. A delegation from Namibia came to Berlin in order to establish contacts and networks, exchange experiences and learn more about national public health institutes such as the RKI.


ZIG begins policy dialogue with the Madagascar Ministry of Health

Group photo of the workshop in Madagascar. Photo: RKIIn November 2023, a two-day workshop was organised in An­ta­na­na­rivo, Ma­da­gas­car with the Minister of Health and other stakeholders to disseminate the results of the first year of the ABCM project and initiate a policy dialogue. Public health emergency management, surveillance capacities and the establishment of a national reference laboratory were seen to have particularly benefited and improved from the COVID-19 pandemic context.


RKI and Nigerian counterpart present novel training approach for infection prevention and control

Participants are dancing at the opening session of the conference in Nigeria in December 2023. Photo: RKIIn December 2023, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and the Robert Koch Institute hosted the inaugural conference of PALS in Nigeria’s capital Abuja. PALS stands for “Participatory Approach to Learning in Systems” which is a training and practice approach for sustainable improvement in infection prevention and control.


ZIG contributes to African Union’s public health conference in Zambia

The official launch of the guidance framework on strengthening the surveillance of non-communicable diseases, injuries and mental health in Africa, jointly developed by Africa CDC and RKI. Photo: Africa CDCAt the third “In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fer­ence on Public Health in Africa”, which took place in Zambia’s capital Lusaka from 27 to 30 November 2023, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) was represented at two side events organised by the Centre for International Health Protection (ZIG). The first side event was about early warning and disease detection, the second about surveillance systems for non-communicable diseases, injuries and mental health.


Global experts discuss core emergency capabilities of National Public Health Agencies

Participants of the informal exchange in Berlin on 9 November 2023. Photo: RKIOn 9 November 2023, members of the Inter­na­tio­nal As­so­ci­a­tion of National Public Health Institutes and the World Health Organization’s Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence convened at the RKI for an informal exchange. The group discussed core capabilities that National Public Health Agencies should have in terms of emergency preparedness and response.


For the first time in Germany: ZIG attends the meeting of the European Biosecurity Regulators Forum

The members of the European Biosecurity Regulators Forum held their annual exchange meeting in Germany for the first time. The Centre for International Health Protection of the Robert Koch Institute was among the group of German representatives in November 2023. Participants emphasised that the combination of artificial intelligence and life sciences will pose new challenges for biosecurity.


Closer cooperation, improved preparation for deployments – a look back on the EMT National Stakeholder Meeting

Group discussions on joint deployments. Photos: RKIOn 7 and 8 November 2023, the team of the German National Focal Point for Emergency Medical Teams at RKI hosted the annual EMT National Stakeholder Meeting in Berlin. The focus was on current deployment scenarios such as possible emergency medical aid measures by German EMTs in the context of the present situation in Gaza, as well as overarching strategic and operational topics.


RKI is Germany’s coordinating institution for the new EU Joint Action “Global Health Impact”

Participants of the kick-off meeting in October 2023 in the conference centre of the German Federal Ministry of Health. Photo: RKIOn 13 and 14 October 2023, the kick-off meeting for the “European Joint Action to maximise the impact of the EU Global Health Strategy” took place in Berlin. Overall coordination of the Joint Action lies with the French Ministry of Health. The RKI has been designated as the implementing institution for Germany.


Emergency Medical Teams from Germany and Indonesia develop roadmap for further cooperation

Visit to Gamping hospital. Photo: RKISince 2020, the Emer­gency Me­di­cal Teams of I.S.A.R. Germany and MDMC from Indonesia have been supporting each other within the framework of the WHO EMT Twinning concept. With the visit of I.S.A.R. to the Indonesian partners in September 2023, the cooperation entered the second round. A report from Yogyakarta.


RKI launches training programme in Applied Public Health Research in Namibia

Group picture of the first workshop in Applied Public Health Research from 30 October to 3 November 2023 in Windhoek. Source: Jayson TumbaliTwenty-eight public health specialists from the African region participated in the one-week workshop that happened in Windhoek in autumn 2023. Running from October 2023 until December 2025, the comprehensive on-the-job pro­fes­sion­al training programme aims to help build capacity in public health research.


International partners start research for better zoonotic outbreak preparedness in The Gambia

SENZOR team members and local field staff during field visits of potential study sites in The Gambia. Photo: RKIThe project called “A social-ecological network approach to understanding zoonotic outbreak risk” (SENZOR) started with a kick-off meeting in The Gambia in September 2023. Framing the two-day workshop were field visits to the villages in the research region of the project that included anthropological fieldwork exercises and exemplary veterinary sampling.


RKI and Malagasy researchers analyse public health needs and strengthen laboratory capacities

RKI scientists and Malagasy researchers meet with the Secretary General of the Madagascar Ministry of Health. Photo: RKIIn August and early September 2023 two teams from the Robert Koch Institute visited Madagascar within the “Assessing and Building Capacities: Madagascar's public health system” (ABCM) project, funded under Global Health Protection Programme (GHPP). Lab experts from the Centre for International Health Protection provided presentations and training on laboratory waste management and a joint session on sample management.
