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Unit 12: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Viruses Affecting Immunocompromised Patients

Annette Mankertz
Nicole Friedrich

The unit is engaged in the monitoring of vaccine-preventable virus infections (measles, mumps, rubella) in Germany and the clarification of molecular and pathogenetic properties of the viruses responsible for these diseases. The task of a National Reference Centre is taken over for measles, mumps and rubella. There is a close integration into the sentinel systems for Germany as well as in the global networks and elimination programs of WHO.


Measles, mumps, rubella

  1. National Reference Centre for measles, mumps, rubella
  2. Regional Reference Laboratory within the measles/rubella network of the WHO, Region Europe
  3. Genetic characterization of currently circulating measles and mumps viruses within the framework of integrated molecular surveillance
  4. Evaluation of the progress towards the WHO elimination goal for measles and rubella in Europe
  5. Investigations on the efficacy of MMR vaccines with respect to currently circulating viruses, mapping of immune-relevant epitopes
  6. Development of new diagnostic methods
  7. Analysis of vaccination failures
  8. Development of monoclonal antibodies against measles virus for passive immunization of individuals non-eligible for routine vaccination
  9. Analysis of virulence and attenuation factors of paramyxo- and matonaviruses
  10. Investigation of teratogenicity of rubella virus in contrast to the live-attenuated vaccine virus

Date: 09.12.2024

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Selected methods are
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DIN EN ISO 15189

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