OMAHA I: Operationalisation of multimorbidity and autonomy for care research in ageing populations
Contact persons: Dr. Judith Fuchs, Dr. Markus Busch, Dr. Beate Gärtner, Dr. Hildtraud Knopf, Dr. Martin Holzhausen (guest scientist), Dr. Christa Scheidt-Nave (Div. 22)
The OMAHA I study developed a conceptual framework and standardised tools for multi-dimensional measurement of multimorbidity, autonomy and quality of life in the population aged 65 and older.
In addition, the effectiveness of different methods for obtaining a random sample that is representative of the population was tested. Longitudinal follow-up studies allow the estimation of health-related changes in this group of people over a period of 36 months.
The project therefore provides methodical conditions for monitoring multimorbidity and the associated specific health and social care requirements of older people at the population level.
Duration/status: Complete; 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2010
Data sources: Random sample of the Berlin City Centre Registration Office; interviewees from previous telephone health surveys of the Robert Koch Institute (GSTel 2004 and 2006) willing to be interviewed again
Project type: Research project in the context of the Berlin research consortium Autonomy despite multimorbidity in old age (AMA I) in cooperation with the Institute of Medical Biometrics and Clinical Epidemiology at the university hospital Charité Berlin
Commissioned/financed by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Cooperation partners: University hospital Charité Berlin; Institute of Medical Biometrics and Clinical Epidemiology
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