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Journal of Health Monitoring S2/2023

Public Health Journal for Germany. Quelle: RKI

APRIL 2023
Special Issue S2

Social differences in COVID-19 vaccination status – Results of the GEDA 2021 study

Special Issue S2/2023 examines the influence of various social determinants on COVID-19 vaccination status. The analyses are based on data from the study German Health Update (GEDA 2021), a nationwide telephone-based survey of the adult population, conducted between July and December 2021.

Social differences are evident: The proportion of people vaccinated against COVID-19 increases with age, income and higher education group. Lower vaccination rates are found among people with a history of migration, people living in rural areas and people from East Germany. The presented results should be considered when designing targeted interventions to overcome potential barriers to COVID-19 vaccination uptake.

Date: 25.04.2023