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Journal of Health Monitoring – Issues 2016

JoHM 2/2016 - Nutrition in Germany

Junge Frau isst Gemüse. Quelle: © Kobyakov / ClipdealerThe first focus article concentrates on the prevalence of vegetarian diet in Germany. The journal’s second focus article provides information on breastfeeding and addresses data requirements for a continuous breastfeeding monitoring in Germany. Also in this issue: four fact sheets examine the vitamin D status, sodium intake, folate status and cooking frequency of the adult population in Germany.


JoHM 1/2016 - Alcohol consumption of adults in Germany

Leere Weinflaschen. Quelle: © PixabayThe first article - the Focus - addresses harmful alcohol consumption. Data from health surveys carried out by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) allow an evaluation of trends in hazardous alcohol consumption. Three fact sheets complement the Focus and discuss alcohol intoxication, accidents involving alcohol and mortality due to alcohol.
