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GBE kompakt

GBE kompakt was an information series of the Federal Health Monitoring. In September 2016, the series was transferred to the Journal of Health Monitoring (online journal). In the journal, GBE kompakt became a focus article, which is supplemented by fact sheets.

Search results 11 to 15 from a total of 28

No. 6/2012: Health in Europe – Data from the EU Health Monitoring Programme

Health data of the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) and the European Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) are analyzed by Jürgen Thelen, Nils Kirsch und Jens Hoebel in this issue.

The first results of the European Health Survey enable comprehensive comparisons of the state of health and health behaviour of the population of the European countries. To illustrate the health situation of the European population, a situation report on subjective health is given.

Two thirds of all Germans assess their own state of health as good or very good. Compared with other European countries, Germany is positioned in the midfield. Furthermore comparisons of the state of health e.g. overweight and obesity, diabetes mellitus, and use of the health system are analyzed, too.

Date of issue December 20, 2012PDF (309 KB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)

No. 5/2012: Prevention Programmes – Who takes part?

Health behavior change programmes are designed to improve individual health behaviour (e. g. physical activity). But who takes part in these programmes? This issue of GBE kompakt shows with representative data for Germany which population groups make use of health behaviour change programmes. In addition the authors Susanne Jordan and Elena von der Lippe present which factors promote participation in these programmes. The analyses are based on data from the »German Health Update« (GEDA) study published by the Robert Koch Institute in 2009. 

Date of issue September 13, 2012PDF (458 KB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)

No. 4/2012: Epidemiology and Early Diagnosis of Common Cancers in Germany

This issue is about epidemiological parameters (e.g. incidence, mortality, survival rates) of common cancers in Germany and their early detection. The screening examinations provided by the statutory health insurance funds in Germany currently apply to tumours of the skin, colon and rectum, the cervix and mammary gland with women and the prostate gland with men. Therefore the authors focused on analyzing data concerning these types of cancer. The Center for Cancer Registry Data and official statistics on the causes of death were used along with existing results on the use of early detection services, some of which were taken from the telephone health survey GEDA conducted by the Robert Koch Institute in 2010.

Date of issue August 6, 2012PDF (571 KB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)

No. 3/2012: Neuroenhancement

June, 26th is International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Neuroenhancement is therefore the focus of this issue of GBE kompakt. Results of KOLIBRI, a study by Robert Koch-Institute, are presented which show who is doing cognitive enhancement and why. The results are discussed in context of other studies, but show similar outcomes.

Date of issue June 26, 2012PDF (403 KB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)

No. 2/2012: Population ageing and its implications for healthcare

World Health Day, on 7 April, was celebrated this year with the theme "Active ageing: Good health adds life to years". GBE kompakt asks therefore, how and why the population of Germany is ageing and what the implications for healthcare are. Data from different sources will be presented, e.g. from the German Health update Study (GEDA) 2009.

Date of issue April 3, 2012PDF (412 KB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)