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GBE kompakt

GBE kompakt was an information series of the Federal Health Monitoring. In September 2016, the series was transferred to the Journal of Health Monitoring (online journal). In the journal, GBE kompakt became a focus article, which is supplemented by fact sheets.

Search results 6 to 10 from a total of 28

No. 3/2014: 25 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Regional Differences in Health

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, this issue deals with the question of how and to what extent health in Germany developed in the last 25 years. It firstly considers data on mortality and the average life expectancy. Issues of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and mental health problems are addressed. The authors take a closer look at significant health determinants such as obesity, tobacco and alcohol consumption, and physical activity. In addition, the topic of health care, particularly the range of outpatient services, is covered. A  wide variety of data is used, which include official statistics as well as data from the health surveys of the Robert Koch Institute, and the Federal Centre for Health Education, among others.

Date of issue December 16, 2014PDF (6 MB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)

No. 2/2014: Social Differences in Mortality and Life Expectancy

This issue offers a summary of available research results on differences in mortality and life expectancy for Germany. This summary not only includes studies based on comparisons between socioeconomic status groups but also takes into account regional analyses which outline the relationship between socioeconomic indicators and life expectancy on the level of the federal states. In addition to that, Thomas Lampert and Lars Eric Kroll also examine time trends that can be observed with regard to the social differences in mortality and life expectancy. Finally, the available findings for Germany are compared with results for other comparable countries and discussed, paying due consideration to the deficits in the data basis.

Date of issue March 10, 2014PDF (1 MB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)

No. 1/2014: Hysterectomy

The first issue of 2014  focuses on hysterectomy. The removal of the uterus currently ranks among the most frequent gynaecological procedures both in Germany and internationally. Medical indications for a hysterectomy other than malignant diseases of the uterus or ovaries include a variety of benign conditions of the uterus. The most important underlying illnesses and the medical reasons for a hysterectomy will be presented in this article by Franziska Prütz and Elena von der Lippe. The authors will go into detail regarding their frequency and factors that can possibly influence the intervention. The base data is sourced primarily from the results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) conducted by the Robert Koch Institute. Additional sources of data are official statistics as well as data from external in-patient quality assurance and the Centre for Cancer Registry Data.

Date of issue January 23, 2014PDF (438 KB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)

No. 2/2013: Diagnosis Depression: Differences in Women and Men

The focus of this issue of GBE kompakt is depression. Depressive disorders are among the most significant mental disorders. Due to their frequency, complications and consequences, they are of outstanding importance with regard to policy and economics. One stable result of all studies is the difference between women and men in prevalence of depression. Women are affected approximately twice as frequently as men.

Stephan Müters, Jens Hoebel and Cornelia Lange describe major reasons for the gender-specific differences in depression. Furthermore, they analyze the data of the GEDA study to investigate the interrelationships between social characteristics (socio-economic status, employment, social support e.g.)  and diagnosed depression.

Date of issue September 30, 2013PDF (390 KB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)

No. 1/2013: Fizzy drinks, juices etc. - The consumption of beverages containing sugars in Germany

This issue is about the consumption of beverages containing sugar, like soft drinks and fruit juices in the German population. Martina Rabenberg and Gert Mensink try to answer the following questions: Is there a difference in the consumption of fizzy drinks between children, adolescents and adults? And do males consume different quantities of sugary beverages than females? To answer these questions data of KiGGS (German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents) and DEGS1 (German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults) were analyzed.

Date of issue August 28, 2013PDF (443 KB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)