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Ausgewählte Publikationen des NRZ für Masern, Mumps, Röteln

Borgmann S, Schwab F, Santibanez S, Mankertz A (2014): Mumps virus infection in vaccinated patients can be detected by an increase in specific IgG antibodies to high titres: a retrospective study
Epidemiol. Infect. 142 (11): 2388-2396. Epub Jan 15. doi: 10.1017/S0950268813003427.

Santibanez S, Prosenc K, Lohr D, Pfaff G, Jordan Markocic O, Mankertz A (2014): Measles virus spread initiated at international mass gatherings in Europe, 2011
Euro Surveill. 19 (35): pii=20891.

Necula G, Lazar M, Stanescu A, Pistol A, Santibanez S, Mankertz A, Lupulescu E (2013): Transmission and molecular characterisation of wild measles virus in Romania, 2008 to 2012
Euro Surveill. 18 (50): pii: 20658.

Poethko-Müller C, Mankertz A (2012): Seroprevalence of Measles-, Mumps- and Rubella-Specific IgG Antibodies in German Children and Adolescents and Predictors for Seronegativity
PLoS ONE 7 (8): e42867. Epub Aug 6. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042867.

Mankertz A, Mulders MN, Shulga S, Kremer JR, Brown KE, Santibanez S et al. (2011): Molecular genotyping and epidemiology of measles virus transmission in the World Health Organization European Region, 2007-2009
J. Infect. Dis. 204 (Suppl. 1): S335-S342.

Siedler A, Mankertz A, Feil F, Ahlemeyer G, Hornig A, Kirchner M, Beyrer K, Dreesman J, Scharkus S, Marcic A, Reiter S, Matysiak-Klose D, Santibanez S, Krause G, Wichmann O (2011): Closer to the Goal: Efforts in Measles Elimination in Germany 2010
J. Infect. Dis. 204 (Suppl. 1): S373-S380. doi:10.1093/infdis/jir068.

Mankertz A, Mihneva Z, Gold H, Baumgarte S, Baillot A, Helble R, Roggendorf H, Bosevska G, Nedeljkovic J, Makowka A, Hutse V, Holzmann H, Aberle SW, Cordey S, Necula G, Mentis A, Korukluoğlu G, Carr M, Brown KE, Hübschen JM, Muller CP, Mulders MN, Santibanez S (2011): Spread of measles virus D4-Hamburg, Europe, 2008–2011
Emerg. Infect. Dis. 17 (8): 1396–1401.

Wadl M, Siedler A, Kramer W, Haindl ME, Gebrande S, Krenn-Lanzl I, Mankertz A, Hautmann W (2011): Measles transmission from an anthroposophic community to the general population, Germany 2008 – Effect of early intervention on size and duration of measles clusters in school and kindergarten settings
BMC Public Health 11: 474. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-11-474.

Baylis SA, Finsterbusch T, Bannert N, Blümel J, Mankertz A (2011): Analysis of porcine circovirus type 1 detected in Rotarix vaccine
Vaccine 29 (4): 690-697. Epub 2010 Nov 18. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2010.11.028.

Otto W, Mankertz A, Santibanez S et al. (2010): Ongoing outbreak of mumps affecting adolescents and young adults in Bavaria, Germany, August to October 2010
Euro Surveill. 15 (50).

Finsterbusch T, Wolbert A, Deitemeier I, Meyer K, Mosquera MM, Mankertz A, Santibanez S (2009): Measles viruses of genotype H1 evade recognition by vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies targeting the linear haemagglutinin noose epitope
J. Gen. Virol. 90 (11): 2739-2745. Epub Jul 22.







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