International Workshop on Methods for Health Economic Evaluations of Vaccines
Berlin, 12th-13th May, 2014
As part of the STEErING project the RKI organized an international expert-workshop from 12th-13th May, 2014 in Berlin (Germany). Purposes of this expert-workshop were to identify good practices for (i) how to conduct HEEs of vaccines and (ii) how to consider results of HHEs in immunization introduction decision-making process (DMP).
Twenty experts from mathematical modeling (University of Antwerpen, University of Hannover, Bielefeld University and UMIT Hall i. Tirol), health economics (Steinbeis University Berlin, University of Groningen, University of Bielefeld und University of Duisburg-Essen), Public Health institutions (Public Health England (PHE), Health Care Knowledge Centre Belgium (KCE), Centre for Infectious Disease Control The Netherlands (RIVM), Institut de Veille Sanitaire France (InVS), and National Institute for Health and Welfare Finland (THL)) as well as other relevant national and international health authorities(World Health Organization Switzerland (WHO), Federal Joint Committee Germany (G-BA), Standing Committee on Vaccination in Germany (STIKO), and the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care Germany (IQWiG)) convened at the RKI and discussed in group-work sessions issues regarding (i) modeling and health economics, as well as (ii) decision-making. Objective of this meeting was to identify best-practices and to make (where possible) recommendations regarding (i) and (ii).
All workshop participants, from top left: Philipe Beutels, Uwe Siebert, Maarten Postma, Oliver Damm, Andreas Gerber-Grote, Mirjam Konl, Heini Salo, Thomas Harder, Germaine Hanquet, Alexander Kuhlmann, Joke Bilcke, Matthias Perleth, Daniel Levy-Bruhl, Wolfgang Greiner, Bernd Brüggenjürgen, Raymond Hutubessy, Mark Jit, Ole Wichmann, Jürgen Wasem, Bernhard Ultsch, Rüdiger von Kries. Source: Robert Koch Institute, Bredow
Workshop materials and presentations
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